Transition… Providing Second Chance Opportunities to our Community!

Changing Lives... One Job at a Time!


Changing Lives... One Job at a Time! 〰️

Job Fair Alert - March 6, 2025

Overtown Park Art Center

Project Umbrella One-Stop Reentry Services!

Eliminating Barriers Each Day!

Job Training Opportunities Available at Transition!

New Trainings Begin in January 2025!

Special Thanks to Miami Dade County, The Miami Foundation, Department of Children and Families, Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency and Commissioner Christine King for making this employment training possible!

Transition Offers Case Management Services!

If you need help, please give us a call!

For more information, please call (305) 571-2001!

A typical day of direct services at Transition featuring One Umbrella Case Management and Employment Services (Empowerment Zone Reentry Initiative and Transition) as well The Umbrella of Hope Reentry Coalition Meeting.

Transition - The Home of “Second Chance Opportunities”

Transition provides job training and placement services to ex-offenders.

Founded in 1974, we have assisted thousands of “returning citizens” to overcome the single biggest obstacle to their successful re-entry back to their community – finding and maintaining a job.


Boot Camp Program

Transition provides in-jail services to young offenders of Miami-Dade County’s Boot Camp Program. Each cadet attends work-readiness classes held each night, three times a week, led by Transition’s staff. Prior to release, Transition’s community-based staff assists cadets with obtaining jobs.

Work Readiness Training

Clients are provided with workshops designed to help them gain confidence and self-esteem to enter the workforce and obtain employment. Topics include: basic computer skills, resume preparation, interviewing techniques, proper dress, employer-employee relationships and conduct.

Job Placement

Experienced job developers work closely with each client to determine realistic employment goals. Utilizing a database of offender-friendly employers, job developers match employer needs with the skills and experience of the job seeker.

Supportive Services

Transition staff works with clients to remove barriers to successful re-entry and employment. Assistance is provided with transportation, work clothing, tools, and obtaining birth certificates and state-issued identification cards.


1550 N.W. 3rd Ave., Building C
Miami, FL 33136

Tel.: 305-571-2001
Fax: 305-571-2002